Last Updated: April 24, 2024
Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Kingston
AOS: Animal Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy
AOC: Philosophy of Biology, Latin American Philosophy
AOC: Philosophy of Biology, Latin American Philosophy
Ph.D. Philosophy (April 2024)
Queen’s University
Queen’s University
Committee: Will Kymlicka (Supervisor), Lisa Guenther, Sergio Sismondo, Kristin Andrews (External Examiner)
Dissertation Title: Knowing is for the Birds: Epistemic Injustice and Nonhuman Knowers
Abstract: This project brings together work in epistemic injustice, animal ethology, cognitive science, and feminist philosophy to argue for animals as epistemic agents that can be subject to epistemic injustice. Chapters focus on: arguing that current accounts of epistemic injustice fail to capture forms of knowledge that do not rely on the possession of language; showing how animals can experience epistemic injustice with regards to skill and the distribution of epistemic resources; establishing that animals are knowers and not merely cognitive beings; and using feminist philosophy for traveling to animal worlds and co-constructing knowledge and epistemic resources with animals.
M.A. Philosophy (2018)
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie University
Committee: Letitia Meynell (Supervisor), Andrew Fenton, Greg Scherkoske
Thesis Title: ‘The Taming of Savagery’: Kantian Perspectives on Animal Embodiment and Human Dignity
B.A. Philosophy (2015)
California State University, Fullerton
Queen’s University
Conference Travel Grant (2019 – 2020)
Admission Award (2018 – 2019)
Dalhousie University
Conference Travel Grant (2017-2018)
Douglas Butler Memorial Prize: Best M.A. Essay Award (2016 – 2017)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Lopez, A. (2023). Nonhuman Animals and Epistemic Injustice. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, 25(1), 136–163.
Meynell, L., & Lopez, A. (2021). Gendering animals. Synthese.
Contributions to Edited Collections
Lopez, A. & Camacho, M. P. (2024). There’s Something in the Water: Algae, Eliminativism, and Our Moral Obligations to Biological Beings. In Y. H. Hendlin, J. Weggelaar, S. Mugnai, & N. Derossi (Eds.), Being Algae: Transformations in Water. Brill.
Aceves, K. & Lopez, A. (forthcoming). "Manuel Bolom Pale's 'Analysis of a Process: Chanubtasel-P'ijubtasel.'" Journal of Mexican Philosophy.
Book Reviews
Lopez, A. (2017). Matthew Ratcliffe’s Experiences of Depression: A Review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23(5), 1090–1091.
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS († = Invited, * = Refereed)
"It's Just a Joke:" Thinking Online Politics with Jorge Portilla (03/2024)
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Boston, Massachusetts. USA
Winner of the Douglass Greenlee Prize for Best Paper by a Graduate Student or Early Career Scholar
"It's Just a Joke:" Thinking Online Politics with Jorge Portilla (03/2024)
American Philosophical Association-Pacific (Society for Mexican American Philosophy)
Portland, Oregon, USA
Belonging to a Changing World: Citizenship, Membership and Community (04/2023)†
Celebrating 50 Years of the CSUF Philosophy Symposium
Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, California, USA
"It's Just a Joke:" Thinking Online Politics with Jorge Portilla (03/2023)*
First International Congress for Mexican Philosophy
UAEMEX, Toluca, Mexico
Can Nonhuman Knowers be Wronged? Epistemic Injustice and Conspecifics as Repositories of Knowledge (05/2022)*
Animal Minds 2022
UC San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
Manuel Bolom Pale's 'Analysis of a Process: Chanubtasel-P'ijubtasel' (co-presenter: Kayla Aceves) (02/2022)†
Mexican Philosophy Lab
UC San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
Nonhuman Animals, Transportation Technologies, and Epistemic Injustice (09/2021)*
MANCEPT Workshops: Politics, Animals, and Technology
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
Gendering Animals (coauthor: Letitia Meynell) (06/2020)*
Canadian Philosophical Association (Cancelled: COVID Pandemic)
London, ON, Canada
Spinoza & Nietzsche: Humility and Humiliation Between Human and Animal Nature (11/2019)*
International Association for Environmental Philosophy
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
(En)gendering Animals (coauthor: Letitia Meynell) (10/2019)*
Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy: Feminism & Food
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
Reflections on Personhood Concerning Tommy and Kiko (01/2018)*
Minding Animals
Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Human Dignity and Animal Vulnerability (11/2017)*
The Irish Philosophical Society: Humans & Other Animals
Carlow College, Carlow, Ireland
Eliminative Materialism and Non-Anthropocentric Ethics (10/2017)*
International Association for Environmental Philosophy
Memphis, TN, USA
Quine & Agamben: Ontological Relativity and Anthropogenesis 10/2017)*
Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association
Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Research Assistant
Kingston Interspecies Community Research Group (10/2018 – 04/2019)
SSHRC Grant: “Chimpopolis: Science, Society, and the Political Animal (02/2017 – 08/2018)
Instructor of Record
Philosophy of Mind (Winter 2024)
Life, Death, and Meaning (Summer 2022)
Life, Death, and Meaning (Summer 2021)
Teaching Assistant
Great Works (Fall 2023)
Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computer Science (Fall 2023)
Life, Death, and Meaning (Winter 2023)
Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computer Science (Fall 2022)
Great Works of Philosophy (Fall 2022)
What is Philosophy? (Winter 2022)
Creativity (Fall 2021)
Philosophy of Biology (Winter 2021)
Moral Issues (Fall 2020)
Beginning Spanish (Summer 2020)
Fundamental Questions (Winter 2020)
Fundamental Questions (Fall 2019)
Beginning Spanish (Summer 2019)
Minds & Machines (Winter 2019)
Life, Death, and Meaning (Fall 2018)
Ethics & Health Care: Social Policy (Winter 2018)
Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2017)
Introduction to Philosophy (Winter 2017)
Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2016)
Queen’s Philosophy Graduate Student Association
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigeneity Representative (2020 – 2022)
Graduate Equity Committee Representative (2019 – 2024)
Appointments Committee Graduate Representative (2018 – 2019)
Minorities and Philosophy at Queen’s
Organizing Member (2018 – )
Conference Organizing & Volunteering
Shaping a More Just Bioethics: A Celebration of the Work of Susan Sherwin (05/2018)
Queen’s University
Conspiracy Theories (Sergio Sismondo)*
History of Analytic Philosophy (Joshua Mozersky)*
20th Century Philosophy: Understanding Human Action (David Bakhurst)*
Major Figures: Descartes (Elliot Paul)*
Metaphysical Philosophy in Historical Perspective (Henry Laycock)*
Disability Studies (Thomas Abrams)*
Current Issues in Epistemology (Elliot Paul)
Science & Public Reason (Sergio Sismondo)
Settler Colonialism & Incarceration (Lisa Guenther)
Human Flourishing and Equality (Christine Sypnowich)
Colloquium in Political, Legal Thought (Jean Thomas & Gregoire Webber)
Major Figures: Spinoza (Jon Miller)
Dalhousie University
Philosophy of Race (Chike Jeffers)*
Philosophy of Animal Minds (Letitia Meynell)*
Kantian Ethics (Greg Scherkoske)
Topics in Ethics: Contemporary Liberal Theory (Greg Scherkoske)
Philosophy of Medicine (Kirstin Borgerson)*
Postmodern Philosophy (Michael Hymers)*
Philosophy of Psychology: AI & Neural Networks (Darren Abramson)
Contemporary Philosophical Issues: Critical Animal Studies (Andrew Fenton)
Philosophy of Biology (Letitia Meynell)
Twentieth Century Philosophy (Duncan MacIntosh)
Topics in History of Philosophy: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Michael Hymers)*
English (Native)
Spanish (Fluent)
Spanish (Fluent)